About me
I have recently completed my master's degree and from Jeonbuk National University, South-Korea, during my degree my research area was focused on Artificial Intelligence to be more specific my studies were focused on Fundamentals Deep Learning and Machine Vision and its possible applications real life.
We are also working on depth estimation, optical flow for developing autonomous harvesters, medical image analysis and tumor detection. I am also interested in implementation of ML algorithms on edge devices, autonomous driving systems, 3D object detection, GANs and Stereo Vision.
Honors, Awards and Certifications
- JBNU Presidential Award (Excellent Researcher Award)
- Brain Korea (BK21) Fellowship Link
- JBNU Acadamic Scholarship
- Pakistan Engineering Council Registered Engineer
Under Review Papers
- Adaptive Deep Learning for Crop Weed Discrimination in Unseen Fields.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Available at SSRN
- Eco-Friendly Weeding through Precise Detection of Growing Points via Efficient Multi-Branch Convolutional Neural Networks.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Review Submitted.
Recently Accepted
- Ilyas, T.; Jin, H.; Lee, S. J.; Kim, H. DIANA: A deep learning-based paprika plant disease and pest phenotyping system with disease severity analysis Frontiers in Plant Science
Bug Fixes in Libraries, Packages and Softwares.
- Uploaded a new package for files/data management utilities for large datasets and nested directories. link
- Uploaded a new package for extract and Merge image patches for easy, fast and self-contained digital image processing and deep learning model training.. link
Ongoing Porjects
- Paprika Disease Detection and Disease Severity Indication via Machine Intelligence.
- Automated Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer using Histology Images.
- Unsupervised Depth Estimation for Better Segmentation of Complex and Cluttered Agricultural Scenery by Computer Vision.
- Nuclei Instance Segmentation and Classification by Multi Tissue Histology Images.
- Seizure Type Classification via EEG signals.
- Creating and Automated Pipeline for Extracting Crown and Detecting Young Leaf and Flower Sprouts using Convolutional Neural Networks.
- Multi-Crop Artificial Intelligent Weeding Robot (9 Year Project by KRID).
- Segmentation of Strawberry Fruits w.r.t their Maturity Level using Machine Vision.
- Activity Recognition using Artificial Intelligence.
Currently, my research work is funded by follwoing organizations.
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
- U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
- Agricultural Science and Technology Development Cooperation of Korea.
- Reseach and Development Authority (RDA), Korea.